Thursday, December 1, 2016

A List Of 30 Small Things For You To Do To Become Happier In Life

We all have desires, needs and wants. Most importantly all our pursuits amount to us being happy. Yet what is so central can be evasive to many. However chasing happiness should stem from the decisions and choices we make. Focus on the little things, as such is necessary, rather than the mighty actions you have to reach happiness. At the end of the day, happiness is never a destination but a journey and every step should be one where you embrace the excitement and joys life has to offer. Here is a list of 30 small things you can do to become happier in life.
  1. Be thankful and show gratitude. It is not about what you don’t have but about the things you currently have. Find a way to express your gratitude.
  2. Pursue the right career. Yes do something that combines work and fun in your life.
  3. Stop trying to be perfect. No one is.
  4. Learn to tolerate others. Just as you are not perfect, people around you also fall short of being perfect also.
  5. Don’t compare yourself with others. Rather always try to be a better version of yourself.
  6. Start each day with a smile.
  7. Dream and always hope for the best. There are no gains or successes in worrying after all.
  8. Forgive yourself and learn to forgive others.
  9. Give social media a break and learn to experience some me-time.
  10. Meditate.
  11. Give to someone in need. It doesn’t have to be money, but it could be your time or energy.
  12. You will always make mistakes, don’t ever take yourself too seriously.
  13. Listen or participate in interesting and thought provoking discussions.
  14. Be reasonable. Not everyone will accept your opinion or beliefs.
  15. Don’t try to win every argument.
  16. Set goals, they could be short term or long term. Just have something that you look forward to accomplishing.
  17. Exercise and try to keep fit. Your body is your vehicle to success.
  18. Celebrate your wins and embrace your losses in the same manner.
  19. Stop using negative words like “I can’t.” “I won’t.” “It can’t.” Always be positive and know that the world is a place of amazing possibilities.
  20. Write something. It could be a thank you note, or your plans for the future.
  21. Stop spending time with toxic people.
  22. Take risks. Learn to embrace your fears and face your challenges with bravado.
  23. Learn to let go of the things beyond your control. Life will always be unfair and will not take present itself the way we want it to. So value what you have and stop trying to hold on to the things that you cannot do anything about.
  24. Know your strengths and your flaws. At the end there is so much we can do or take. Know what applies to you and stop pushing yourself to places or borders that violates your values and desires.
  25. Embrace change. You should be flexible and be adaptable. Things will never stay the same. Time has a way of healing, building and reforming what is. So understand that things will pass. Rather than be a victim of change, be a master of it.
  26. Stop complaining and making excuses. Rather take on more responsibility and do more of what you can do to better a situation or the things that surround you.
  27. Eat right and sleep as much as you can. While people will tell you that less sleep, more work helps you reach your goals, understand that a healthy body is more vital to your success.
  28. Prioritize. You cannot chase everything at once. Rather pick those pursuits that matter to you and prioritize your goals.
  29. Stop being busy. Rather focus on being productive and appreciating the moments you have.
  30. Travel and gain new experiences. Who knows what awaits you on the other side.

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